Our DIVERSITY Commitments
You Belong.
Your Story Matters.
Hispanic Enrolling Institution
Westmont has become an Hispanic Enrolling Institution with more than 23% of students identifying as Latino or Hispanic.
First-Generation Students
First-Generation Students make up 20% of our Westmont community. “First-Generation” refers to students who have not had a parent or guardian graduate from a four year college in the United States. Each year, Westmont hosts a pre-orientation event for first-generation and international students.
First-Generation College Student Organization is sponsored under the Center for Student Success, with the Gaede Institute.
Finding New Villages Away from Home
When I left my village as I flew away, I knew that God was going to give me new villages. I just didn’t know how. You would not believe how big my village has become, how many people came together to make sure that I had all I needed to thrive...
From Cuba to California
“A lot of times we felt we couldn’t go on,” Rosario says. “When we lost hope, we prayed and prayed, and sometimes we gained hope. That’s why we’re here. Have faith. You can do it if we can do it.”
Director of the Carol Houston Center for Justice, Reconciliation and Diversity, Chief Diversity Officer, Professor of Psychology
Assistant Director of Admissions, Guest and Community Relations
Dean of Student Engagement, Interim Vice President for Student Life